Imagine Laserworks Helps Relieve Pain
Pain is the body’s way of signaling harm or damage to the body. Acute pain means that something new or serious has happened, whereas chronic pain is more associated with an old injury, wear and tear, aging, or biochemical changes in the nervous system.
Pain can be treated with the latest technology from Imagine Laserworks
Imagine Laserworks for Relieving Elbow Pain
Elbow pain, or discomfort of the elbow, that may be caused by trauma, musculoskeletal malfunction or inflammation.
Tennis Elbow
The lateral epicondyle is the outside bony portion of the elbow where large tendons attach to the elbow from the muscles of the forearm. These tendons can be injured, especially with repetitive motions of the forearm, such as using a manual screwdriver, washing windows, or hitting a backhand in tennis play. Tennis elbow is caused by inflammation of the tendons. Usually, the pain is on the outside of the elbow and might be accompanied by warmth and swelling. The elbow maintains its full range of motion, as the inner joint is not affected, and the pain is usually more noticeable toward the end of the day. Repeated twisting motions or activities that strain the tendon typically cause more pain.
Golfer’s Elbow
Golfer’s elbow is characterized by local pain and tenderness over the inner elbow. The range of motion of the elbow is preserved because the inner joint of the elbow is not affected. Those activities which require twisting or straining the forearm tendon can elicit pain and worsen the condition