Imagine Laserworks Helps Relieve Pain
Pain is the body’s way of signaling harm or damage to the body. Acute pain means that something new or serious has happened, whereas chronic pain is more associated with an old injury, wear and tear, aging, or biochemical changes in the nervous system.
Pain can be treated with the latest technology from Imagine Laserworks

Imagine Laserworks for Facial Spasms
Facial Spasms refer to a neurological dysfunction that causes facial muscles to contract involuntarily. Spasms of the face can be common and normal due to muscle tightness, just like any other muscle spasm in the body, but could also indicate a neurological disorder. Some types of facial spasms include facial dystonia, hemifacial spasms, and facial tics.
Facial spasms may be caused by neurological dysfunction, an artery pressing on the nerve to the facial muscles, or irritation of the facial nerve.