Imagine Laserworks Helps Relieve Pain
Pain is the body’s way of signaling harm or damage to the body. Acute pain means that something new or serious has happened, whereas chronic pain is more associated with an old injury, wear and tear, aging, or biochemical changes in the nervous system.
Pain can be treated with the latest technology from Imagine Laserworks

PTSD Treatmnet With Acupuncture?
Classified as an anxiety disorder, PTSD is a complex mental
health condition. “PTSD is a mental health problem that
some people develop after experiencing or witnessing a
life-threatening event, like combat, a natural disaster, a car
accident, or sexual assault. It’s normal to have upsetting
memories, feel on edge, or have trouble sleeping after this type of event.
If it’s longer than a few months and you’re still having symptoms, you may have PTSD. For some people, PTSD symptoms may start later on, or they may come and go over time”
Complex PTSD – also called a “disorder of extreme stress” – results from exposure to traumatic circumstances, in combat or otherwise. People whose line of work exposes them to traumatic events or those who treat trauma survivors maybe at risk for secondary PTSD, also called compassion fatigue.
These occupations include emergency medicine specialists, police officers, firefighters, search-and rescue personnel and disaster investigators.
The symptoms of PTSD
Intrusive memories and flashbacks
Hyperarousal, or being easily startled
Insomnia or other sleep problems
Emotional numbing
Avoidance of trauma-related stimuli
How Laser Acupuncture will help – Natural treatment for PTSD
Auricular (ear) acupuncture can: restore and maintain health, aid in balancing the nervous system, induce relaxation, and addresses ailments related to PTSD such as:
Mood changes,
Hypervigilance and
Mental fogginess
As well as treat PTSD-related:
Panic and
Sleep disorders
PTSD is treated by stimulating specific acupressure points – also called acupoints – on the body. These points of the body are responsible for controlling particular brain areas that help control nervous functioning as well as mitigate stress levels. Many natural remedies are used to treat PTSD disorder in affected individuals, however, out of all these remedies acupuncture seems to be the most effective treatment. The improvements due to acupuncture were also found to be very rapid and significant. Unlike other conventional psychiatric treatments that are exposure-oriented (in that they require patients to reconstruct traumatic incidents), acupuncture for PTSD does not expose the patient to such elements and hence is safer and non-intrusive.