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Imagine Laserworks combines two types of stimulation on acupuncture points on the ears, nose fingers and wrists.


Laser Acupuncture  – The latest Laser Acupuncture Technology assists in smoking cessation by reducing the physical symptoms of withdrawal


Electronic Acupuncture – Well researched and highly specialized electronics antagonizes the urge to smoke in dependent smokers


The combination of stimulation methods provides well documented 85 – 94% success rates with only one session.  The results are collected on each and every one of the thousands of clients from all the Imagine Laserworks locations across Canada with our customized proprietary software.  The results are then compiled and the stats…


The average success rates for up to 1 week are 96%


The average success rates for over a year are  90%


It’s the combination of 21st century technology, Lasers and Electronics that puts this technology light years ahead of any and all other method’s or system’s to stop…quit smoking.


  • Imagine – Laser Therapy to Stop Smoking

  • Imagine – you can quit smoking in less than an hour

  • Imagine – well documented 85 – 94% success rates

  • Imagine – thousands of successful clients – over 20,000 documented clients that have been smoke free for over a year

  • Imagine – a Canadian Business established in Canada 21 years ago

  • Imagine – locations across Canada, the US, around the world, on Facebook and YouTube

Quit Smoking with Laser Accupuncture

Imagine Laserworks can help you, your friends and loved ones enjoy a life without Nicotine.

Break the smoking habit - break your cigarettes in half!

With our unique, customized software we are capable of monitoring our clients for years. We can back up our well documented success rates


  • Up to 1 week – 96.5%

  • 1 week to a year 89.9%


Imagine Laserworks exclusive satisfaction guarantee


For the 10 – 15% that need extra support our quit smoking program comes with an

extended warranty program…


  • Back up boosters are included for up to eight weeks after your initial session provided you have not lit up. They take about 15 minutes and we encourage all of our clients to take advantage of our booster program as it’s easier to get in for a booster than it is to buy a new set of lungs. Approximately 85% of our clients do not need boosters!


Boosters do not work if you have had one puff of one cigarette and put nicotine back into your system, remember all it takes is one puff so for what we term “repeat offenders“…


  • Reduced rates within 4 weeks and after that up to a year it’s half price. Anytime you come in for a smoking redo, your follow up booster program starts all over again.


ADD ON'S are available if any of the following issues are a concern


  • Appetite Control

  • Anger

  • Stress

  • Anxiety

  • Insomnia

  • Depression

  • Fatigue

  • Pain

  • PMS

  • Drug and or Alcohol Dependence


We can treat all of these concerns simply by stimulating the electrical energy points associated. You can ask for an add on, before or during your treatment, one or two add on’s can be done at the same time as your initial treatment. If you are concerned about any of these issues just the technician about our wide selection of add on’s.

We are here to win and in this game, failure is not an option – when you win we win.

The Facts:


  1. Tobacco, in the form of cigarettes, is the most addictive drug in the world

  2. Nicotine is one of the strongest stimulants known

  3. Smoking is one of the most efficient drug-delivery systems

  4. Smoking actually puts drugs onto the brain more directly than intravenous injection


It is true that one of the benefits of smoking is the brief relief of internal tension; unfortunately, within 20 minutes the tension is back stronger than before, demanding another fix.


Imagine Laserworks has one of the most carefully monitored and documented smoking cessation programs in the world. We can help you quit.


Low Level Laser (soft laser) Therapy and Electronic stimulation is


  • Safe

  • Easy

  • Highly Effective

  • Affordable 
    (for the average smoker the cost is less than buying one month’s worth of cigarettes)


You are in and out the door within an hour.


Imagine that you can quit smoking in less than an hour with no pills, patches or gums.

KICK IT!  Our hand-out card message!

To obtain our well documented 85 – 94% success rate Imagine Laserworks address’s all three parts of the addiction:


  • Physical – Laser/electronic stimulation of acupuncture points on the ears, nose, fingers and wrists to increase endorphin levels, relax and minimize or eliminate cravings.

  • Psychological – Cd’s, print outs/handouts, tips, tools and one on one coaching.

  • Detoxification – eliminating the 4,700 dangerous, toxic, chemical poisons that you got from inhaling the burning poisons on an average of 200 times per day.

Step one – the physical part of the addiction


Imagine Laserworks helps with the physical part of the addiction by stimulating key neuro-chemical pathways on the ears, nose, fingers and wrists, the pituitary and the hypothalamus (acupuncture points) with a soft laser and electronic stimulation.


This  stimulation sends a signal to your brain to produce large amounts of feel good, pain relieving chemicals called endorphins which alleviate most, if not all, of the cravings for nicotine.


The stimulation from the laser treatment builds up from 12 to 24 hours, levels off, and slowly dissipates over a period of 4 to 6 weeks. This opens a big window for you when cravings are minimized or non-existent and you feel really good about yourself. Most clients say to us “if they can just get an edge on this addiction, they will have it beat”.


Well how about a 4 to 6-week edge where you have a huge surge of endorphin’s and those cravings are minimized or non-existent?


  • Was that a craving I just had?


Step two – The psychological part of the addiction


During your appointment trained technicians will provide you with the tools and techniques required to deal with the psychological issues such as


  • What do I do now that I don’t smoke?

  • What about after dinner?

  • What do I do when I have my morning coffee?

  • What happens if I have a glass of wine or a beer?

  • What happens if I am with my smoking friends?


Call us for support any time you feel the need (within reasonable hours).


We will teach you about the voice and how to deal with it


Putting a stop to Smoky Thinking


Step three - and Detoxification

We will provide you with a simple detox formula helping to insure your success.


The list consists of some of the world’s most powerful, super, natural detox supplements, as well as, all important anti-oxidants that will help you eliminate the 4,700 plus dangerous, toxic, chemical poisons found in cigarettes from your body.


You can purchase these supplements through us or at any major health food or vitamin store.


The Vitamin C Factor


The Magnesium Factor


The Chlorella Factor


Are any of the following a concern?


How to quit smoking without “GAINING WEIGHT”


Does smoking induce “STRESS”?


How to deal with “ANXIETY” after you quit smoking


Is “DEPRESSION” after you quit smoking common?


Is “INSOMNIA” after you quit smoking common?


How to manage your “EMOTIONS” after you quit smoking.


A detailed list of some of the most “COMMON WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMS”

The main reason 10 – 15% of our clients go back to smoking


Alcohol  – the number one reason for relapse, even years after they quit.


People are more relaxed and feel more confident when they have had a few drinks. They feel that they can handle just one cigarette for old time’s sake – wrong move, be careful.


Stress is the number two reason for relapse.


Interestingly, when nicotine abstinence is monitored in smokers, they typically report a pattern of repetitive mood fluctuations, with normal moods during smoke inhalation followed by periods of increasing stress between cigarettes.


These mood fluctuations also tend to be strongest in the most dependent smokers. Though smoking briefly restores their stress levels to normal, they soon need another cigarette to forestall abstinence symptoms.


Our stress add on will  help you minimize any stress by stimulating additional acupuncture points associated with stress and magnesium will help to minimize those up and down mood swings.  In addition, you will receive a powerful, reinforcement CD designed to help eliminate the thoughts and feelings concerning smoking.

"I just want to say THANK YOU. Because of my treatment in May 2009, I can say I am a nonsmoker. I smoked for 45 years and after one treatment I quit with no cravings and no missing that cigarette. I am in New Brunswick and when I tell people about this, they all say I wish I could quit. God Bless You All…and keep up the good work…"



Quitting never felt so good.


"Thank you so much for your program. It has been a month now & I am still smoke free. I have had many obstacles thrown at me this month including a death in the family. Without your system I would be unable to hold out. Thanks again – It’s a good life – Peter"

Imagine little or no cravings, without needles, pain, drugs, patches, pills or gums.  Are you still smoking after trying all the other methods on the market? Why not look at the real story behind the other stop smoking aids.


Nicoderm/The Patch


Nicorette Gum


If you or anyone you know has tried to quit smoking you know how difficult it is. Few people ever succeed with things like the patch or the gum because they are still putting nicotine into their body. That’s like telling an alcoholic if they want to quit drinking to switch from Scotch to Vodka. And the pill’s … watch out if you have a heart condition.


It is just about impossible to quit with these methods, but drug and tobacco companies don’t care they take in billions of dollars either way.


Pain free, chemical free – spiritually moving! I love this process – I want all my friends to have this experience. I smoked for 18 years – the day of the treatment I QUIT SMOKING! I had zero cravings, zero mood swings, zero feelings of withdrawal, I have tried everything else and this works. Dawn S. White Rock BC

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How the Cigarette Companies are tricking you


Graphic Warning – Hidden Dangers You probably know about the deadly chemicals

(4,700 or more) that are in cigarettes and that they are killing millions of people every year.


Some of the 4,700 – deadly – toxic – chemical poisons you inhale while smoking! Do you really know what you are smoking?


Premature skin and facial wrinkling in young people is now associated with smoking.  Therefore, it has been suggested that this should be added to the list of disorders with which smoking is considered a causative factor.

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It is truly amazing that cigarette products

are still on the market because when used

as directed by the manufacturers they

actually kill people!

“I was amazed at how easy it was to stop smoking with Imagine Laserworks. I smoked for seven years and tried quitting every other way with bad results. I now recommend Laser because it works to every smoker I meet. Thank you for your help.”



Tobacco products actually kill over 50,000 people in Canada, over 500,000 people in the US and over 5,000,000 people in the world every year.


We should be shocked and outraged!


Imagine if tobacco companies had to list the ingredients on the packages like food companies, it would be a book not a label. Smoking is certainly not a natural or pleasant thing to do. Our bodies try to tell us that it objects to smoking by hacking and coughing and spitting more than non-smokers because it obviously tastes so horrible.


It has been 106 days today since I quit smoking and still absolutely painless” Just got back from Las Vegas, Reno and casinos from California to Washington. Sat with die hard smokers for 2 weeks and not even a hint of a craving. I can’t thank you enough for the laser treatment and people can’t believe how easy it has been for me to “quit smoking” I can honestly say I feel like I never smoked in my life and I really never had a strong craving to smoke since my treatment. Thanks!!! Valerie M Vancouver BC


To note I am still a non-smoker! I had tried other methods to quit smoking before. None worked. I had smoked for 35 years and after taking one treatment I walked away not smoking and I have not looked back. I recommend your method to anyone who really wants to quit smoking. Follow all the instructions carefully and I believe you could be like me. I thank you for your help and expertise on getting me to my goal – a nonsmoker. Thank you again. Lea Ann K. Duncan BC


What to expect when you stop smoking

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If the fear of cancer and the horrible death it causes is not a big motivator for you to quit smoking, just visit the cancer ward of any hospital and see for yourself the horror of what you and your family have to look forward to.


Today smoking is finally becoming taboo almost everywhere. Smoking in your own private vehicle may become illegal if you have children, you are exposing them to the second hand smoke. Think about it, you’re forcing your kids to smoke.


Many health scientists believe the real danger of smoking is not actually nicotine; it’s the 1000′s of chemical poisons in the cigarettes. These chemical poisons are pollutants and when they mix with water or moisture the result is acid rain!


Is that what really causes cancer and does other damage to our bodies?


The fact is, most of the deadly chemical poisons in tobacco products are not even allowed in city landfills. Amazing but true.


The cost of smoking just keeps going up and up and our health just keeps getting worse and worse. The costs of smoking vary from area to area but no matter where you live it’s very expensive. Imagine the savings of quitting smoking at an Imagine Laserworks centre and you should instantly realize that the real cost is next to nothing.


The truth is, in a month or less, the amount you spend on the treatment is paid back to you over and over every month for the rest of your life. Quitting smoking actually costs you nothing…it actually pays you! Keep your money, stop burning it and regain your health and your life. It’s actually an amazing bargain and a great value.


  • Imagine 45 minutes from now you could be smoke free.

  • Imagine going to bed every night and getting up after having a truly restful sleep and being positive about life.


Why not do yourself and your family a great big favor and arrange your quit smoking treatment TODAY!


Remember procrastination is the biggest killer of smokers. Smokers always say to themselves ‘I will quit tomorrow or on this date’. Unfortunately, tomorrow never comes and it’s then usually too late.


Imagine Laserworks Quit Smoking CD 


Do you want to help someone else quit smoking?


More Testimonials


Affirmations for people that never want to smoke again


Information sheets on our detoxification supplements

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